CBPES / DFC Employer Support Briefing Lunches
Since March 2024, CBPES has worked with Employer Advisers based in Department for Communities (DFC) Job & Benefit offices to provide lunchtime Employer Supports Briefing on the free supports available to local employers.
In March we went to Limavady and the Employer Adviser, Louise McFarland invited local employers to the Roe Park Hotel. Enniskillen Employer Advisers, Kate Byrne and Nigel Frazer invited their local employers to The Work House, and the Ebrington Hotel was the venue for Lisnagelvin Office Employer Adviser, Karen Goodman’s employers.
Our latest briefing was held on the 10 October in Joe Magill Suite - Enterprise Agency, Win Industrial Estate where Damian McCorry and Robyn Fisher-Perry, Employer Advisers based in Newry JBO invited their local employers.
All employers heard from the following organisations:
- DFC Employer Support Branch
- Employer Engagement
- Employer Services Branch
- Work Experience Programme (WEP)
- Other programmes while relevant ie Jobstart
- CBPES Adviser gave an overview of our services
- Department for the Economy – Apprenticeship programme
- BURC – Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre - presenting information on English Language classes & Customer service training
- Intertrade Ireland on how they connect and helps businesses across the island to trade cross-border, innovate, collaborate and attract investment.
- Each event also had an employer or organisation who worked with the local employer advisers using the free services.
If you require a copy of the presentation, please contact Barbara Gibson barbara.gibson@communities-ni.gov.uk