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Redundancy Information for Northern Ireland



For the most up to date information regarding Redundancy and your rights please check the following Government advice available on their websites.

Redundancy Service | Department for Communities

The Department for Communities (DfC) offers a Redundancy Service to help employers and employees through the process of redundancy. 


The Department can help by planning, co-ordinating and delivering a support package tailored to a company’s individual redundancy situation. There is no cost to employers to avail of this service.

Redundancy Service – explainer videos | Department for Communities

*Please note benefit rates detailed in webcast are subject to change from 1 April 2021

Redundancy Factsheets for Employees and Employers

For more information about DfC’s Redundancy Service, contact:


Employment Rights contact | Department for the Economy (economy-ni.gov.uk)

Redundancy pay | nidirect





Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

+353 42 939261
+353 86 8390579